Which is a manner of surefire of moving after the time of prison and of helping of the people to forget it and to take to you with serious as an entertainer? To make a horrible opera of rock about the harvest of body. “Repo! The Genetic Opera,” a new film based on a play, is placed to hold the first role Paul Sorvino, Alexa Vega and a post-prison Paris Hilton.
Musical A place in the future when the bodies can be basin bought by sale contract to credit of a company called Geneco. The hook is, if the payments stop them again acquire the bodies, which could prove to be a little swine. Hilton will play the fame-seeking girl of the owner of Geneco, which is played by Sorvino. “We saw many actresses for the role, and Paris sang better than all,” producing Karl Mazzocone known as. The director, Darren Lynn Bousman said, “I auditioned at least 30 actresses for this Paris role entered and had it.” “It is this role.” A seeking girl of fame, which is not any, banking operations of doubt about the achievements of its family, which a right end.