Monday, January 7, 2008

Paris Hilton Ambiton In 2008

2007 was not a great year for Paris Hilton.

But she sure mahoosive ambitions for 2008.

After her stay in prison last summer, is the new
Paris Hilton on all ambitions and new ideas.

There were rumors of a trip to Africa, whispers of a new album - but do not worry that neither have materialized, as the world is now fave his sights on a big screen career.

And we are not talking about a minor role in a style teen-slasher flick (aka
Paris Hilton passage in House of Wax).

But rather a winning front line to compete with the performance of clients like Halle Berry and Hilary Swank.

"I'm focusing on acting in this year 2008,"
Paris Hilton said to Neil Sean.

"I want to win an Oscar."

You gotta admire the determination of the person.

The wee inconsequential question of talent aside, it raises its player-type cards on the table for all to see.

Let's just wait and see if some bigwig Hollywood director will sit down and take note.