Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Paris Hilton Is Getting Ready For A Baby

The heiress of hotel Paris Hilton, which is currently single, is ready to become a mother and thus prepares her body is to him in major status for the design.

Paris Hilton said in an interview with the Elle Magazine: “I want children the next year, thus I must obtain my body ready. ”

Paris Hilton also indicated when it was portion its sentence of 23 day old prison in summer its incredulity expressed by prisoners of comrade whom it had been locked up.

The blonde - who was imprisoned to lead with a suspended license - additional: “One said to me, “it is ridiculous that you’re inside a prison. I am inside here for the murder”. ”

It was recently announced that Paris Hilton, 26 years-old, had felt dreamer since the narrow friend Nicole Richie fell pre

A source indicated: “Paris Hilton indicated that, “I want a good number of babies and a simpler life far from the projector of celebrity. I did much heart-research about my partying and then I heard Nicole was pregnant and I decided that it is time for me to grow and assume the responsibility - and the best way in which to make is to go well to a mother”. ”

Paris Hilton recently spoke outside about the pregnancy about Nicole, statement her Co-star simple of the life will make a large mother.